Nothing Gets Between a Lady and Her Vengence...
In a daring rescue, beautiful and wily secret operative Cora deBeau is reunited with her childhood friend Guy Trevelyan, who wants so much more from her now than friendship ...
He'll Stoke the Fire Until They Both Go Up In Flames...
But Cora's mission against the French has become personal, and even the fire between her and Guy won't deter her. When it comes to getting sweet, cruel revenge, nothing will stand in a lady's way ...
Celebrate the 80th birthday of Regency Romance with great books from Sourcebooks Casablanca!"Tracy Devlyn blends danger with passion to create a powerful love story that will endure in your memory."-Victoria Gray, author of Destiny
"A fantastic read with riveting plot twists and a heroine who shatters the reader's expectation of Regency-period women."-Adrienne Giordano, author of Man Law, the Private Protectors series.
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